I made these bags years ago before I came here. Both of them are very easy to make.
The first green-yellow-red bag was designed to be a small pouch. Unfortunately when I was in the 5th row, I realised that the size was too big, so I changed it into a small hand bag. I used local cotton yarn, very cheap with vibrant colour, but the yarn quality is not very good. If I wash this bag, the colour might fade away. I bought the handle in Indonesia for $2 per pair.
The second bag that I made is a granny square bag. I made 32 granny square with two design. I used acrylic yarn (which I don't really like, but unfortunately I love the colour *sigh*), a plain coloured and a three-coloured yarn.
The first green-yellow-red bag was designed to be a small pouch. Unfortunately when I was in the 5th row, I realised that the size was too big, so I changed it into a small hand bag. I used local cotton yarn, very cheap with vibrant colour, but the yarn quality is not very good. If I wash this bag, the colour might fade away. I bought the handle in Indonesia for $2 per pair.
The second bag that I made is a granny square bag. I made 32 granny square with two design. I used acrylic yarn (which I don't really like, but unfortunately I love the colour *sigh*), a plain coloured and a three-coloured yarn.